Nightingale Infant & Nursery School


 At Nightingale, we believe that the arts offer opportunities for our children to explore, express and communicate their feelings whilst gaining experiences of the wider world. 

Our children are provided with a wide range of art experiences as part of and in addition to the curriculum. Through experiencing the arts, children develop their creativity, self-esteem and confidence. Our creative arts programme, including dance, music, drama and art significantly impacts cognitive development, increases self-esteem and actively engages everyone in learning. 

Through the teaching of Art, we aim to: 

  • Promote children’s enjoyment of Art. 
  • Encourage the development of imagination, original thought and personal expression. 
  • Develop the children’s aesthetic awareness and help them to make informed critical responses about their work and the work of others. 
  • Provide children with the opportunities to study and record both man-made and natural phenomena. 
  • Ensure children develop an expertise in using a wide range of materials and equipment and techniques to enable the realisation of their ideas. 
  • Provide opportunities to study contemporary, historical, cultural and religious art and artists. 

We ensure children learn about a range of artists, presenting different cultures from across the world. Artists include: 

  • Rodney McCoubrey & Henri Matisse (Collage) 
  • Picasso & Paul Klee (Drawing & Painting) 
  • Barbara Hepworth (Sculpture) 
  • Andy Warhol (Painting and Printing) 
  • Janet Bolton (Textiles) 

Time is given for children to study the work of these artists and share their thoughts. Teachers plan for group discussions and provide children time to explore the media used, try different techniques in the style of before creating their own art. Children are supported in evaluating their own and others’ work, ensuring sensitivity in their comments. 

We recognise the importance of children seeing themselves as artists and celebrating their own and others’ work. Throughout their time at Nightingale, children will have the opportunity to showcase their art within their classroom, across the school and in the local community. 

In Year 1, children begin creating their own sketchbook, allowing for their artist journey to be recorded and reflected upon. Work includes evaluating others’ work, practicing techniques, using different media and creating part and whole pieces to demonstrate their learning.